Liftera-V Common FAQs

Suitable for those with sagging cheeks, drooping, fine lines, lack of luster, double chin, meat around the mouth, and unclear neck and chin boundaries, or those who wish to maintain skin firmness regularly.

The doctor will tailor the vortex ultrasound based on individual needs, varying treatment probes and emission counts, generally lasting about 20-30 minutes per session.

Liftera-V uses high-energy ultrasound technology, leaves no wounds on the epidermis, requires no recovery time, and does not affect daily life.

Depending on the degree of skin laxity, the doctor will assess the number of treatments needed, typically more than one session, spaced 6-8 weeks apart, with effects lasting over a year, though regular maintenance treatments are recommended.

Treatment is not recommended for individuals with certain conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, heart disease, those taking anticoagulants, or those with facial nerve issues. Inform your doctor for assessment if there are other specific conditions not listed.